Cercatori d'Arte

AniWayaCercatori d'Arte had a prosperous and interesting year during 2011. After Shawchert renounced his rank, Skye became the Capitana of the artisan pack, and it changed its focus from mostly art to trading and maintaining good pack relations as well. This started the beginning of a trading network which was improved by the caravan and large amounts of livestock that CdA has accumulated, including horses, chickens, sheep, goats, and a cow. Two litters of puppies, one from Skye and Bangle and the other from Shawchert and Orin, created a total of four pups, Erzulie, Robert, Juliet, and Titania, for Cercatori to grow on!

All has not been entirely peaceful in the year, however - in early February, a snowstorm ravaged the lands, and it took a group effort to recover. Also causing turmoil, the murder of a pup, Demetrius, from a man named Argul scarred the pack in early April, and again another pup Tameri's murder from Liam dir Rhiannon made a mark on Cercatori d'Arte in December. Due to these deaths, many members left the pack; however, CdA has attempted to move on and has expanded its territory, celebrated new mateships and trades, and celebrated their first year in 'Souls, and will hopefully have many years to come!

Bangle Guffawri

"Happiness you pay for is to be found everywhere." - A gypsy proverb

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Art by Kiri

Erzulie Guffawri

It’s a demon chikkun!

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Art by Kiri


Perhaps these strangers can do me a favor and 'escort' Cain home.

Juliet Moonsong

What is it? Is it paint? Can I paint on the walls or maybe on paper with it?

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Orin Takekuro

Cercatori d’Arte will be the toughest pack out there in no time. A force to be reckoned with.

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Art by Nat

Rory Ward

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He, being the kind and selfless dog he was, had offered his help in anyway possible.

Liam Rhiannon

Voices whisper to me, in me. Shall I listen?

Shawchert Menue

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You're grounded Missy!

Skye Collins

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Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist.

Art by Kiri

Sky Rhiannon

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There's a time for fighting, and a time for Dynamite.

Art by Sky

Taliesin Dir Rhiannon

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I can give her everything she needs in life. And I will never walk away from her.