'Souls RPG: Yearbook 2012


Salsola Salsola has had a pretty exciting year – our biggest plot involved the Boreas Conflict, which resulted in gaining a lot of cool swag and access to the wild horse herds. Things didn’t slow down when Salvia Eternity assumed her mother’s role as a leader in June. We did say good-bye to Alaine and Sirius, but hopefully neither of those changes are permanent. ;3 Alaine will return to us -- someday! The hurricane destroyed some of the pack's cool stuff, but we know the future can also bring about awesome plots to rebuild and build anew, so it's all good.

We've gotten some awesome new members and some awesome returning ones, and lately we've had a lot of successes with players playing slave characters! We'd like to give a special shout-out and recognition to these players, since it can be rather restrictive playing a slave character. :)

Let's go for a super-awesome 2013!

Ataxia D'Angelo

(Favorite thread)

"You tag me, then you win. Normally I'd have to chase you, but that wouldn't exactly be fair since you can't see where you are going and I don't think I'll enjoy chasing you if you go too slow." As amusing as it would to be to see the woman run into something while being chased, she suspected the slave's sense of self-preservation would not allow her to run very fast. The game would be over too quickly. "There are no other rules." It was perhaps the absence of rules that Wander should be worried about. Ataxia was perfectly willing to follow them when it suited; she knew Salsola's laws well and did her best not to violate any of them. Yet, without laws or restrictions, she felt free to act as cruel and wanton as she wished.

Art by Alaine

Clover Love Lykoi

(Favorite thread) (Mature)

where you invest your love, you invest your life

Art by Alaine

Draugr Helsi

(Favorite thread) (Mature)

Come here and show me how much you like me.

Art by Sie

Eris Eternity

Most in Need of Padded Walls

(Favorite thread)

I am done with this mess. Take it and let it bleed you dry.

Art by Sie

Harrow D'Angelo

(Favorite thread)

"Salvia is the Boss now. I don't care if I like her or if I don't as a sister, as long as she doesn't lead Salsola into the ground as a leader, I have no qualm."

Art by Sie

Gale the Lionhearted

(Favorite thread)

"Iam tempus libertatis non modo a latere sed redeo."

Art by Gen

Imhotep Aabt

(Favorite thread) (Mature)

I'm much more then I was

Art by Nat

Isabella Heiwa

(Favorite thread)

"In retrospect, perhaps we are the wiser. But no one learns from their mistakes."

Art by Alaine

Loki Jade Lykoi

Most Precious Puppy

(Favorite thread)

I am Loki, of Asgard. And I am burdened with glorious purpose.
— The Avengers (2012)

Art by Alaine

Magnolia Takekuro

(Favorite thread)

one day baby we’ll be old, and think about all the stories we could have told

Art by Fred

Odessa D'Angelo

(Favorite thread)

"I do not care so much what I am to others as I care what I am to myself."

Art by Nat

Salvia Eternity

(Favorite thread) (Mature)

If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.
— The Godfather II

Art by Jennadelle

Sirius Revlis

(Favorite thread)

To kill with the beasts of the earth

Art by Kiri

Siv Helsi

(Favorite thread)

Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.
So just relax, [she] told me, and just enjoy the ride.
She said, "Even absolute corruption has its perks."
Lullaby Chuck Palahniuk

Art by Kiri

Tyko Amini

(Favorite thread)

”We’re not much different… I wouldn’t hesitate to rip you apart either.”

Art by Kezra@deviantart.com

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