'Souls RPG: Yearbook 2012

New Dawn

InferniThe first year of this pack's existence was full of interesting twists and turns for its members. After things settled in January of 2012, it became clear that a lot of the other packs had no idea what New Dawn was all about and instead believed them to be racists. It took a a while for this mislabel to be corrected but it still lingers somewhat to this day. Soon, however, New Dawn saw itself find its niche amongst the other packs of the land.

When New Dawn reached its peak in members in the spring, an enemy emerged; Amy Sunders. She stole a puppy from Kiara, injured Fayne and did other nefarious things. She became reviled by those of New Dawn, and eventually she became their official enemy. Socially, however, New Dawn thrived and many members mated up (Fayne and Noah, Jiva and Palaydrian, Kiara and Tharin, Shadowfang and Thana) and other mate-ships faltered (Zalen and Titania, Adonia and Ookami).

The end of the first year of New Dawn saw it's first litters (Noah and Fayne's and Zalen and Adonia's) and the death of Amy Sunders. Now things are settling down again, and the pack celebrates the good times and newly formed alliance with Sangi'lak.


(Favorite thread)

"Only I can make you bleed like this."

Art by Nat

Fayne Gremory

(Favorite thread)

Art by Sky

Jiva Takekuro

(Favorite thread)

“Anything for you my love.”

Kaeli Blacksun

(Favorite thread) (Mature)

"Sun eater, star raiser"

Art by Sky

Kiara Amarok

(Favorite thread)

“Get your stinking paws off my son!”

Art by Raze

Krys Sawtooth

It wasn't me.

Art by Sky

Raeka Rain

(Favorite thread)

“May the moon favor your path and your legs remain strong.”

Art by Sky

Zalen Damaichu

(Favorite thread) (Mature)

Below my countenance the bell of the night has broken,
And I am the new divine wolf

Art by Nat

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